Fati Erkenova
Gallery of paintings

Series explores the contrast between the external world of events and the rich emotional landscapes within us. Each artwork highlights how feelings and experiences often carry deeper significance than the events themselves. Through surreal imagery—flying eyes, houses on tree branches, and fantastical landscapes—the series symbolizes the inner world’s complexity and depth, often overlooked in modern society. It reminds us that in a fast-paced world driven by external achievements, our emotions and inner reflections are invaluable. These works invite viewers to consider how the outer and inner worlds coexist as distinct, yet interconnected realms, deserving of greater attention.

Copy of the painting:

When we talk about the values that make up the quality of our lives, what do we mean? Real estate? Expensive cars? Branded items? Or spirituality, enlightenment and renunciation of all worldly things? Is this the truth of polarity, of opposites? Which of these are so valuable to us that we are afraid to lose? To each his own? Yes, it is scary to lose because we identify ourselves with the form no matter what. The key that opens the door to harmony is knowledge about yourself. About yourself as a consciousness that currently resides in this form. And about the values of “this form” in this world. Through what forms (things) of this world can my values manifest themselves? In the beauty of flowers, in the stability of city walls, in the freedom of flight of a bird. Values are reflected in different forms and flow without getting stuck. Then the material and spiritual come closer, cease to contradict each other, and there are enough resources and things for everyone.

What is the point if we are all just a temporary dream of an immortal, formless consciousness, and the task of our whole life is to look through the eyes of the creator at his creations? But what if the point is to come to such a state during your life in order to feel everything else that is on this side of your eyes, looking at your creations?

To be in the here and now, to stop resisting, to humble yourself, sounds to our mind like “becoming weak,” although in fact this conceals a gigantic strength. To come to terms means to be at peace with yourself and the moment that is happening. It already exists. What's the point of fighting him? Stop resisting, accept, realize, become what you are.

Accept - then act. Whatever the Present contains, accept it as if you yourself made it so. Always cooperate with him. Let it become your friend and ally, not your enemy, and you will see how your whole life will be transformed.

The inner body is what connects you with the Unmanifested; in its deepest aspect it is the Unmanifested - the Source that emanates consciousness, just as the Sun emits light.

Fati Erkenova
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UK: SW13 8EB Boddington House 40 Trinity Church Road, London
